For the past year, I’ve been helping small businesses discover and leverage the immense value locked in their data. Before that, I worked for 5+ years as a data scientist and machine learning engineer for top companies, including the publicly listed food-delivery company Delivery Hero and as the founding engineer at a Y-Combinator backed startup.

I’ve worked across a number of domains, including but not limited to: geospatial data and GIS applications, logistics and transportation, healthcare and medical technology, price optimization, social media data, sentiment analysis, building energy performance and modeling, and more.

Beyond technical excellence in delivering value from data, I’m a clear communicator to audiences of all technical levels.

I bring my clients data-driven value by providing the following services:

  • ML/AI Product Development: helping you turn your ML idea and data into a clearly codified vision with an executable roadmap and timeline.
  • ML and Data Software Engineering: improving, optimizing, and extending the functionality of your already existing software, ML, or data solutions; I can start a project from scratch or get up and running on your ongoing project in 24 hours.
  • Cloud Development: Deploying, monitoring, or improving your software or data solutions in the cloud.
  • Business Automation: Optimizing and automating your business processes, enabling you to focus on what really matters.

My toolstack includes, but is not limited to:

  • Programming Languages: Python (Numpy, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Polars, Keras, Tensorflow), SQL
  • Machine Learning Techniques: Regression, Statistics, Gradient Boosting, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Deep Learning, Hyperparameter Tuning.
  • Data Processing and Transformation: Apache Spark, Python Polars, AWS Glue
  • Dashboards: Looker, Tableau
  • Cloud: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Project (GCP)
  • Data Warehouse, Data Lake, Databases: GCP BigQuery, AWS Athena, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
  • Data Pipelines, Infrastructure, and Orchestration: Apache Airflow, Mage, dbt
  • Deployment and DevOps: CI/CD, Docker, Streamlit

When I’m not crunching data, I enjoy playing chess, guitar, studying linguistics, and learning new languages (I speak English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Hebrew).

Want to work together? Feel free to reach out: , , , , and .